Since 1990 Dr Kajanová has been teaching History of jazz and rock and Special seminars discussing selected problems in jazz, rock and pop music. Later on she added the following courses: Music sociology in 1997, Music criticism in 2005 and Management in 2006.
Graduate students of Yvetta Kajanová include:
Sylvia Josifoská – blues singer
Augustín Rebro – publicist and journalist
Martin Gašpar – jazz bass guitarist
Zuzana Vachová – journalist, editor, marketing and media specialist
Martina Lišková – editor
Petra Remenárová – manager of Lumen festival
Rastislav Podpera – musicologist
Vladimír Valentovič – jazz saxophonist
Diana Rauchová – editor of Radio Lux
Iveta Betsa – editor of Radio and Television Slovakia
Peter Motyčka – editor
Ľubica Zajacová Záborská – musicologist
Martin Šimčík – manager
Cyril Kubiš – violinist of the band Remedios
Martin Puhovich – pedagogue and theoretician
Peter Bálik – guitarist of the band Živé kvety (Live flowers)
Miro Tóth – saxophonist of the band Frutti di Mare (Seafood)
Oliver Rehák – editor and publicist
Slavomír Krekovič – musicologist, manager and critic